Chelsea Tris

Ironman-HERE I COME!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I had to get a 90-100 bike ride in yesterday for my training. I knew it was going to rain but I figured I could handle it. I got out at 6:30 so that I could hang out with Shaun during the day and not be gone all day. The sun wasn't completely up when I left and it was 47* but no rain. Miles 1-38-no rain. Miles 38-90 RAIN!!! At some points I thought I needed to stop because it was so dangerous. But I didn't stop. Even though it was cold, wet-REALLY WET, and windy.


It was fun!

And the feeling of being done is even better!

Seriously, I was so wet that my shoes were squishing, my gloves had to be wrung out multiple times and my whole body looked like a prune when I got done, even the heels of my hands were wrinkly :o


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